Some people believe in love at first sight. Call me a skeptic, but I think that is all a big crock. The only "love at first sight" that I believe in is when your child is born and you see your baby for the first time. Then even though it is the first time that you have "seen" the baby, you have loved them since the very beginning.
Last week Bobby and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary and over the past few days I have been thinking about how awesome this journey with him has been and continues to be. For some, 5 years seems like we are still just babies, but my how many things we have experienced since then.
I am blessed beyond measure to have meet Bobby. I can remember the first time I saw him, he was in typical Bobby mode...going a hundred miles a minute. He rounded the corner to the nurses station at 2B on a mission. It was about 4am, I could tell that he had literally just jumped out of the bed because he was called in to an emergency in the ICU. His hair was going in every direction, lab coat was wrinkled, pants were too short. Despite all of that, his sweet face caught my eye. He was looking for a chart and I just happened to find it...a few days later we meet for coffee at Barnes and Noble Bookstore. We talked for hours and actually closed the store down. I even remember the green shirt he was wearing...his mom got it for him from Oregon. It was comfortable, easy, like we had known each other forever. When I got home my mom asked me what I thought. My exact words were, "I really like him. He is so nice and sweet. Even if nothing happens between us, he is a friend that I could have for life." We went out the following night, and the three following that. I learned very quickly how absolutely amazing, smart, caring, and funny this guy was.
Over the next few months we would see each other as much as we could. We would meet in the hospital cafeteria or the the break room for a quick lunch. I would drive 30 miles to Louisville and sit outside University Hospital waiting to see him, sometimes only for 10 minutes, but it was worth it! On Christmas Eve I asked him to go with me to my Aunt's house and meet my family. This was a huge step for me. I had never really brought anyone I had ever dated to meet the entire family before. I could tell that he was nervous, but he went because I had asked him to. Before we came, I gave the family a pep talk and told them that he was my friend and not their doctor. I warned them that he wasn't going to listen to their lungs and diagnose that nasty cough. When we walked in the door my dad was the first to meet and greet him. Bobby said "Hi Mr Williams, nice to meet you". My dad, Lonnie WILSON just smiled and made him feel right at home. It took all of 15 minutes and my Uncles and Papaw had all lined up and were explaining their entire medical history to him over the Christmas ham. It was actually a good thing because it was something that Bobby was comfortable talking about. The next day I was talking to my Papaw and asking him what he thought about Bobby. He told me that he thought that Bobby was a fine man and that I should not let him slip away. Papaw knew what he was talking about, and in my heart I knew down deep that he was the one. Our friendship blossomed into a relationship over the next few months. In May he had to go out of town for two weeks for a conference. I took him to the airport and when he left my heart was so heavy and I felt so sad when he was away. I knew then that I was in LOVE. It is funny that he too had the same revelation while on that trip. He says that is where he really realized that he was in love with me too. When he got home we told each other that we loved each other. It was so special because it had been almost a year in the making. We both knew that these words were not spoken lightly. We were engaged on February 5th 2005 and married on December 2nd 2005.
Since then we have had many good times and some bad along the way. We survived his fellowship, job hunt, and finally finding a job. We have endured the illness of his grandmother. We grieved the loss of my Papaw with each other. We bought a car, a house, and had two babies in 20 months. What a journey it has been along the way. It is challenging at times. Having a husband who has a job that is so demanding is very hard. Our kids don't have a normal bedtime because when it is 10 o'clock at night and they haven't seen their daddy at all because he left before they were awake, I can't make them go to bed. Liv stands at the window and watches every headlight that comes down our street waiting for it to turn in our driveway. Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, there are always sick people who need them. It is hard for Bobby, because he wants to be at home too, but there are times where he can't. Doctor's wives definitely don't get their nails done everyday and sit at home and eat chocolates. We handle everything at home from repairs to the laundry. Although sometimes I miss him and get frustrated I think about the wives who wait months for their husbands to come home from war, and I am thankful. I have a husband who loves me and my babies more than life itself. He sacrifices everything for us. At the end of the day when he comes through that door, even if it is midnight, he always has a smile on his face. This is our life, it is how it has to be, and that is fine with me. I am proud to have a husband who actually wants to help people. It isn't a paycheck to him. He wants to make a difference and I admire him for that.
Our love was not love at first sight, it is a love that started with a friendship and grew into the beautiful thing that it is now. We are in this through the good times and the bad. We are a team. How BLESSED I am to have such a loving faithful husband. Bobby, I love you with all of my heart and I am so excited that I get to spend the rest of my life with you. It gets better and better with each passing minute. My cup overflows...
I just loved this! It made me all misty!