We've all found them before. You know what I am talking about, the sippy cup or bottle that amazingly has managed to disappear. When you finally look under the couch or decide to pull it out to vacum, there it is. Milk that has became cottage cheese, juice that has fermented into something 90 proof. You take one look at it and decide that instead of vomiting from the smell when you open it, you would rather just put it in the trash.
When we first bought our house (which was before we had kids), I can remember thinking to myself that this house was going to be spotless, neat, and orderly. I am not the most organized person in the world, but I like the smell of Pinesol, I love the look of freshly vacumed carpets with the lines in them. I take pride in the neatly mopped wood floors that are shining. I come from a long line of "Domestic Divas". My Mamaw Pat's floor is so clean that you could literally eat off of it. She does all of her laundry every day, there are never any dirty clothes in the hamper. She even cleans the toliet after every use...I know a little OCD, but still, it is in the blood. My mom had a huge homemade dinner on the table every afternoon when my dad would get home from work (I blame my weight issues on that). I thought that since I had been witness to such domestic greatness that it would come natural, that I would be super woman and be able to juggle everything. No such luck!
Some days we wear our PJ's all day. Other days we play dress up and change clothes 5 times. We take all of the toys out of the toy box and the kids get inside and play. The diaper genie overflows, the laundry piles up till you can't shut the closet door. Sometimes I almost cry at the thought of getting everything done, having the spotless house, but sometimes I just like to lie down on the bed when they are napping and watch them sleep. Would I change the endless loads of laundry for no more dress up games? Absolutly not!! Are my floors clean enough that you can eat off of them? Not at all, but Frankie does anyway! I would not trade anything for the precious fun times that I have with my kids. Everything will eventually get done, and if it doesn't, the cleaning lady comes every other Friday! Ha ha!
My point to this is don't sweat the small stuff. If there are days that you have time to clean your house and get all of the laundry done great, but on the days that it is impossible, sit back, order take out, and enjoy these moments. The sippy cup will always disappear under the couch, even in the cleanest house!
Isn't that the truth!